Showing 1–16 of 22 results
Johanna Taieb
Key Features:
- Wide wavelength lineup: 1030, 1053, 1064, 1080, 1120, 1180 nm and more
- Stable single mode operation
- Short pulse (picoseconds, nanoseconds)
- 400 mW to 1 nanosecond high light power
- 14-pin butterfly / 7-pin SMPM module
- Picosecond pulsed driver board
- 1060 nm gain chip for tunable laser
- Application: Seeder of fiber laser for machining, LIDAR
Johanna Taien
Key Features:
- Wide wavelength lineup: 1030, 1053, 1064, 1080, 1120, 1180 nm and more
- Stable single mode operation
- Short pulse (picoseconds, nanoseconds)
- 400 mW to 1 nanosecond high light power
- 14-pin butterfly / 7-pin SMPM module
- Picosecond pulsed driver board
- 1060 nm gain chip for tunable laser
- Application: Seeder of fiber laser for machining, LIDAR
Johanna Taieb
Key Features:
- Quantum dot
- FP/DFB laser
- Wavelengths from 1240 to 1310 nm
- High-temperature operation (100-200℃ or higher)
- Excellent high-temperature stability
- Excellent optical feedback tolerance
- TO-56 / chip
- Applications: data communication, silicon photonics light source, sensor (high temperature)
Johanna Taieb
Key Features:
- Wavelengths: 532, 561, and 594 nm
- Light output: 5, 20, 30, and 50 mW
- Low power consumption
- Short pulse operation (nanoseconds, 50 picoseconds)
- Compact package
- Option: Fiber pigtail
- Applications: Light source for biomedical equipment, sensors
Johanna Taieb
Key Features:
- 640 nm, 30 mW @50℃, 80 mW @30℃
- 660 nm, 50/100/120 mW@60℃, 50 mW @70℃
- 785 nm, 100 mW @70℃
- 830 nm, 210 mW @70℃
- 905 nm, 40/100 mW @70℃/li>
- 940 nm, 285 mW @70℃
- TO-56 package
- Built-in monitor PD
- Applications: Industrial applications, machine vision, leveling instruments, particle counters,
various kinds of sensors
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- QCW operation
- 60 W to 400 W QCW per diode bar
- Standard wavelength 795 to 830 nm, 880 nm, 9xx nm
- Space qualified technology (vacuum, irradiation)
- Low thermal resistance assembly package
- Mechanically robust, shock and vibration resistant
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- QCW operation
- Highly compact design
- Custom multi-stacks design available up to 5 stacks
- Wavelengths: 795-830 nm, 880 nm and 9xx nm
- Low thermal resistance assembly
- Mechanically robust, shock and vibration resistant
- Approved for defense and space applications
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- QCW operation
- Up to 400 W QCW per diode bar
- Hard sodder technology
- Wavelengths: 795 – 830 nm, 880 nm and 9xx nm
- Highly efficient over a large operating temperature range (- 40 to 80°)
- Options for multi-color emission (2 to 5 colors simultaneously)
- Low thermal resistance assembly
- Mechanically robust, shock and vibration resistant
- Collimation on request with a pitch of 400 µm
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Wavelength: 808 – 980nm
- Output power: 128 – 1440W
- Operation mode: CW
- Cooling: actively cooled / passively cooled
- Collimation: fast axis / fast axis and slow axis / without
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- High power laser diodes between 630 nm and 1200 nm
- Customer-specific epitaxy on 2“, 3“, 4“ and 6“ GaAs substrates
- Layer structures in the Al-In-Ga-As-P material system
- High quality
- High reliability
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Wavelength: 808 – 1470nm
- Output power: 23 – 300W
- Operation mode: CW / QCW
- Cooling: actively cooled / passively cooled
- Collimation: fast axis / fast axis and slow axis / without
- Heatsink: actively cooled / cn / cs
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Wavelength: 808 – 940nm
- Output power: 270 – 2400W
- Operation mode: QCW
- Cooling: actively cooled / passively cooled
- Collimation: fast axis / without
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Wavelength: 760 – 1060nm
- Output power: 6 – 500W
- Operation mode: CW / QCW
- Filling factor: – – 75%
- Resonator length: 0.6 – 4.0mm
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Energy and pulse width from 1mJ/100ns to 2.5mJ/200ns
- Up to 10 kHz pulse repetition rate
- Up to 20 W average power
- Single wavelength emission among 808, 915, 940 or 980 nm (other wavelengths in option)
- Fast axis collimation of diode bars included
- High reliability (> 100 x 109 shots)
- Robust design integrated into a closed protective housing
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Energy per diode and pulse width from 1mJ/80ns to 2mJ/130ns
- Up to 8mJ overall energy & 24W average power
- Up to 6kHz pulse repetition rate in continuous mode (up to 10kHz available in burst mode)
- Multi-wavelength emission possible with up to 4 wavelengths among 808, 915, 940 or 980 nm
- Fast axis collimation of diode bars included
- High reliability (> 100 x 109 shots)
- Robust design integrated into a closed protective housing
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Energy and pulse width from 1 mJ/30ns to 4mJ/100ns
- Maximal pulse repetition rate between 1 and 6 kHz
- Up to 6 W average power
- Single wavelength emission among 808, 915, 940 or 980 nm (other wavelengths in option)
- Fast axis collimation of diode bars included
- High reliability (> 100 x 109 shots)
- Robust design integrated into a closed protective housing