Developed as a high-energy seeder for advanced MOPA systems, Onda is the new DPSS ns-laser platform aimed to high-end applications requiring both excellent beam quality and high peak power in order to process metal, glass, plastics, delicate and hard materials.
Onda is available at four different wavelenghts: 266, 355, 532 and 1064nm.
The internal optical layout and the accurate temperature management allow to get relevant pulse energy performances without compromising the lifetime of the THG and FHG stages.
All of Onda models can work from single shot to 50 kHz or up to 100 kHz with a pulsewidth between 2 and 10 ns and share the same mechanical foot print and electronic interface.
Compactness, insensutuvuty to environmental conditions and ease of handling allow superior operation flexibility and performance / cost ratio.
A new version of the digitalic Control Box and the new proprietary Software Interface are available for simplified remote control and monitoring.