Showing 1–16 of 20 results
Johanna Taieb
Key Features:
- Wide wavelength lineup: 1030, 1053, 1064, 1080, 1120, 1180 nm and more
- Stable single mode operation
- Short pulse (picoseconds, nanoseconds)
- 400 mW to 1 nanosecond high light power
- 14-pin butterfly / 7-pin SMPM module
- Picosecond pulsed driver board
- 1060 nm gain chip for tunable laser
- Application: Seeder of fiber laser for machining, LIDAR
Michael Iluz
Key Features:
- High repetition rate : 80 MHz
- High power : from 1W to 2W
- 100 fs – 180 fs
Michael Iluz
Key Features:
- High energy
- Compact
- Highly configurable pulses
- Air-cooled
Michael Iluz
Key Features:
- Ultra-low noise
- Transform-limited pulses
- Compact industrial design
- Harsh environment resistant
- User friendly
- Turnkey system
- 24/7 operation
- All-in-one system
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Air-cooled system
- Ultra compact
- Ideal for biophotonics and imaging applications
- Optional green output
Johanna Taieb
Key Features:
- 1064.3 +- 0.1 nm
- 7ps
- spectral width <0.3nm
- 40MHz
- air-cooled and liquid-cooled version
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Air-cooled up to 20 W
- FemtoBurst™
- SuperSync Control
- Optional green, UV and DUV outputs
- Industrial design for 24/7 operation
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- 4 wavelengths IR, Green, UV and DUV for processing all kind of materials including metals, p-Si, ITO, isolators and polymers
- Femtosecond pulses for high quality thin layer removal and cutting with low HAZ
- Air-cooled, compact, lightweight and robust for smooth integration on a gantry system
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Up to four simultaneous wavelengths
- Femtosecond pulses for maximum precision and minimal HAZ
- Fully customizable
Michael Iluz
Key Features:
- Wavelength: 410nm-2400nm
- Total power: 7W
- Repetition Rate: 80MHz
- Seed source pulse duration: ~6ps
- Single-Mode Output
Michael Iluz
Key Features:
- >500mW Total Power
- Wavelength 470nm-2400nm
- Spectrum Power Density >-10dBm/nm
- Spectrum Stability <0.1dB
- Bluetooth Connection
- Single mode fiber with FC connector
Michael Iluz
Key Features:
- Wavelength: 400nm-2400nm
- Total Power: >8W
- Visible Power: >1200mW
- Repetition Rate: 10kHz-200MHz
- Optional External Triggerable: 1-80MHz
Michael Iluz
Key Features:
- Total power: >8W (10-20W Optional)
- Internal Repetition Rate: 0.1-200MHz
- External Triggerable: 1-80MHz
- Wavelength: 400nm-2400nm
- Pulse Energy: >1uJ
- Single-Mode Output
- NIM trigger signal output, externally triggerable
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- Short Pulse option < 150 fs
- FemtoBurst™
- Trigger on demand – FemtoTrigTM
- SuperSync Control
- Frequency conversion from Soft X-ray to THz
Bernard Azout
Key Features:
- FemtoBurst™
- Trigger on demand – FemtoTrig™
- SuperSync Control
- Optional green and UV outputs (30 and 100 W)
- Industrial design for 24/7 operations