Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a non-intrusive laser optical measurement technique for research and diagnostics into flow, turbulence, microfluidics, spray atomization, and combustion processes.
Dantec Dynamics offers a range of PIV solutions to suit a variety of research needs. Basic systems utilize a single camera to measure two velocity components in a plane. More advanced systems utilize multiple cameras to measure three velocity components either in a plane or in a volume.
High speed systems are available to study vortices. Furthermore, advanced features like uncertainty estimation and propagation that tell about the measurement quality, advanced post-processing routing for vortex detections, combined PIV / LIF / Shadow measurement, and pressure computations help to get most out of your data.
Measurement Principle
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) is a whole-flow-field technique providing instantaneous velocity vector measurements in a cross-section of a flow.