Submersible Stereo PIV



  • All integrated submersible solution
  • 3 velocity component measurements
  • Remote controlled laser and cameras
  • Streamline shaped to minimize flow disturbance
  • Traverse mechanism and rigid mechanics minimizing structural vibrations
  • Optimized for space and weight restrictions in towing tank carriages
  • Delivered with a trolley for transport and easy storage


Measurements in towing tanks and other underwater applications

Our submersible stereo PIV (2D3C) solution enables efficient flow-field measurements in towing tanks and other underwater applications. The solution is used world-wide for research on hydrodynamic applications such as ship hulls, propellers, and offshore constructions.

The system comes with a modular watertight and streamlined probe for minimum flow disturbance. The system is optimized for easy mounting and dismounting, fast calibration, and efficient use of the experimental time.

In combination with a traverse and a rigid fixture of the probe, the system can be moved while maintaining alignment and calibration. The entire system – traverse, camera arrangement (remote controlled), calibration, automatic measurements and analysis – is operated/performed from our dedicated software suite, DynamicStudio.

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