Autocorrelators are used to measure pulse duration. The basic principle is to create two copies of the incoming beam, with a beam splitter. Those copies are superimposed in a nonlinear medium, where they interact generating a third beam. As the overlap of the two copies depends on the pulse duration, analysing the third beam allows to calculate the pulse duration.
The MS-ROC autocorrelator is a multi-shot autocorrelator. It uses an optical delay line to scan the delay, and each pulse allows to know the intensity for a particular delay. It can measure pulses with energy as low as 50 pJ.
MS-ROC stands for Multi-Shot Row Optical Correlator. The MS-ROC allows the measurement of autocorrelation traces. It is based on second harmonic generation, making it reliable and compact. It has been specially developed for sources with sub-nJ energy per pulse. It allows the measurement of pulses from 50 fs to 40 ps in the standard version. With its high scan speed, real-time operations is possible for measurement and optimization. The MS-ROC-LP can perform scan at 130 ps/s, making it the fastest scanning autocorrelator on the market. Also, the MS-ROC-SP allows the measurement of both ultra-short and long pulses thanks to its dual-mode (standard mode for pulse duration > 50 fs and fine-scan mode for pulse < 50 fs). Like every products, the MS-ROC is easy to install and use.