Laser power attenuators

 Michael ILUZ

Laser Power Attenuators:

  • Manual laser power attenuators LPA-M
  • Motorized laser power attenuators LPA
  • Advanced laser power attenuators LPA-A
  • OEM Motorized laser power attenuators LPA-OEM
  • Unpolarized beam motorized laser power attenuators LPA-U


Application examples: 

  • Laser machining
  • Research
  • Laser power control / attenuation / stabilization


4Lasers designs and manufactures motorized laser power attenuators for laser power control. LPA could be produced for use in the UV, visible, and NIR spectral ranges from 250 nm to 2000 nm. These devices feature a large clear aperture dedicated for considerable beam application.

All-optical elements of these laser power attenuators are made for high LIDT and provide a stable and reliable performance even when using them with high power lasers in industrial applications


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